Check out my new submission called "Appregiator"
Speaking of music...
Into the Lungs of Hell by Megadeth
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Peace Sells by Megadeth
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Jaws of Life by John Petrucci
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I'm a wannabe coder, and musician. My musics okay I think, and I'm developing some games that are on the way!
Age 30, Male
Code Apprentice
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined on 3/16/07
Posted by Thegluestickman - February 4th, 2009
Check out my new submission called "Appregiator"
Speaking of music...
Into the Lungs of Hell by Megadeth
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Peace Sells by Megadeth
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Jaws of Life by John Petrucci
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Posted by Thegluestickman - January 25th, 2009
Why the hell are those bastard kids so mean to Lucky? LIKE, HE CAN'T DIE HAPPY UNLESS HE GETS THAT FUCKING CEREAL, BUT NO, THE KIDS HAVE TO BE ASSES AND NOT LET HIM HAVE ANY. What if he was starving and all he needed was some charms and the kids LET HIM DIE because they didn't want their cereal to be eaten, which is like $3.50 at the local supermarket.
Also, how does Lucky get the magical charms if he doesn't have access to the cereal?
Posted by Thegluestickman - January 21st, 2009
A Youtube doubler special. (Pause the first one until a second before the second one plays.)
Posted by Thegluestickman - January 4th, 2009
I can't believe I was missing out this long. It's wonderful, it's the break I finally needed from the Wii.
Gamertag: Thegluestickman
Also, I was thinking of selling Guitar Hero 3 for Wii. How much do you think I could get for it? The guitar works perfectly, the game works great, there's nothing broken and I might throw in Aerosmith if I can get like $20- $30 extra.
What are your opinions on this matter?
Posted by Thegluestickman - December 18th, 2008
Yes, I will leave my (cell) phone number. Call any (reasonable) time from December 25th to January 5th.
Also, you lose 10 internet's if you didn't check out my last news post.
Okay guise, which one of you called me? Mr. Balish! I know you're out there!
Posted by Thegluestickman - December 17th, 2008
This is a Christmas story I wrote,it's not the story I was talking about. That's after Christmas. Enjoy!
"Not very good, not very good at all."
Anthony knew the marks against him.
"Convicted of thievery were you?"
Anthony stared straight at Mr. Rinlo.
"There were special circumstances!"
"They always are. Well I hope you have good luck finding a job," Mr.Rinlo explained "The holidays are tough."
Anthony slowed walked out of the Tim Horton's, Mr. Rinlo followed closely. He wasn't about to have anything stolen.
The only reason Anthony stole was for food and medicine, so him and his mom wouldn't starve and so his mom could live. His stomach turned. What was he going to do? Christmas was in 5 days and he didn't have anything. Anthony and his mom lived in down town Toronto and could barely afford there house. Everything got tight after his mom contracted Tuberculosis and had to leave work. It didn't help that the medicine was expensive.
Anthony was at the mouth of the drive way when he was greeted by a bum. He had a gruff beard with grey hair and dark eyes. He was wearing an old hat and over sized clothes. Anthony almost looked the same except his hair wasn't grey, it was jet black, and his beard wasn't nearly as long. Anthony didn't look to good for 15.
"Could you spare some loose change?" The bum asked politely.
Anthony fished in his pockets for some change. His left pocket had two quarters and his right had a loony that was hiding in the fold of his pants.
"You're in luck. This should be enough for a large coffee."
Anthony dropped his change in the bum's hands.
"Thank you kindly, sir! Merry Christmas to you!"
The bum ran inside. Anthony smiled then started walking home.
When Anthony returned home he was greeted by his mother. She was moderate height with gray hair, her eyes were blue and her face was moderately wrinkled.
"Oh, Anthony! I have wonderful news! My benefits came through; I have enough to cure my Tuberculosis!" Anthony's mom exclaimed.
"That's terrific!" Anthony wanted to dance he was so happy, "But, unfortunately I didn't get the job."
"That's okay; I'll be able to work again. We can have are old life. Maybe you can even go to college!" Anthony's mom blurted.
The phone started to ring, mom was so ecstatic she almost flew to the phone.
"Mhm, yes he's here." Mom answered."Anthony! Phone's for you! It's a Mr. Rinlo!"
Anthony rushed over to the phone, almost tripping.
"Job's yours if you want it."
"I do," Anthony answered, "What made you change your mind?"
"A cup of coffee with my dad."
Posted by Thegluestickman - December 10th, 2008
A new three perspective story! Yes you saw correctly. With Flashplayer5 and THIMBLES, we are creating a new 4-6 part story which includes madmen, police officers and a girl. Stay tuned, the release will probably be some time before or after christmas.
Update: Fuck! Tomorrow is a science test that covers everything we learn >:(
Update: To all high schoolers. What's the transition from Elementary to High school? Is everybody mean to the Freshman?
Update: This year we have to read The Outsiders for a novel study. It's awesome. I never thought gangs, murder, booze and ciggarettes would be so fun to read about! I tried to read it once but I didn't get drawn in.
Update: I got an 85 on my science test! Fuck Yeah!
Update: You know what I really hate? At school dances when the music selecter select THEIR favourite songs and not songs that appeal to everyone. It's painful to listen to shit music for about an hour. >:(
Update: 700 posts! Yeah!
More updates when exciting stuff happens!
Posted by Thegluestickman - November 18th, 2008
It's obvious no one wants it done. Maybe I'll join the people who do Love/Hate posts. But for now I'll just update this with news from my life.
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. Awesome song, I nominate solo because of complete awesome.
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The Four Horsemen by Metallica. Also awesome.
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Users that are friends <3
All these guys have displayed sheer kindness no matter what. They make things feel right.
AnthonyLulzicon: I believe I met this fine person in an internet mass convo. Great guy, he cheers me up when I'm sad and gives great advice. A true friend.
Black-Ops: SECRETIVE AGENT. Can't remember where I met him, but he too is a great person. He's the kind of person that makes you want to do great things.
Flashplayer5: Ah, Flashplayer5. Where would I be without you? We have had our laughs on MSN. REMEMBER? HUH?
Thesilverguitar: Kinda a forced friendship. I started commenting on his page until he was all like "WHO ARE YOU?" and I was like "I JUST WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND"
Eredar: He is pretty cool, one of the few people I have Skype'd with (My name is Thegluestickman if you wat to add me, pm me so I know who I am dealing with.) You get hard on by looking at his art. We are making an epic game together, Which brings me to my next person...
EpicFail: He made an MSN thread, it took of from there. He is a nice guy, he still hasn't let a gerbil free and watched it run :( He's also a drummer, so I insta-love him.
THIMMMMMMMBLEEEEESSSSS: This guys cool, he's actually so cool, people invented Thimble cookies in his honour.
ShadowWest: This guy can be serious or funny, don't let his conversations with IrishGun fool you, he's very mature. He helped me through a rough part in my life.
Users I'd like to know better
They are probably great people, they just don't talk to me on MSN or I just don't carry conversations on with people. :(
Trambamboline: He seems really decent. But he ignores me, so I have no idea what he's like.
Kagoe: We talk sometimes, but I don't know her well enough. All I know is that she's English, she's a wimmin, and she likes Naruto.
CleverMiam: I want to get to know this person because she like Disturbed and Video games.
Users I do not like at all.
I'd rather not put these assholes up here, as that would only feed the troll.
Update: Fuck! Tomorrow is a science test that covers everything we learn >:(
Update: To all high schoolers. What's the transition from Elementary to High school? Is everybody mean to the Freshman?
Update: This year we have to read The Outsiders for a novel study. It's awesome. I never thought gangs, murder, booze and ciggarettes would be so fun to read about! I tried to read it once but I didn't get drawn in.
Update: I got an 85 on my science test! Fuck Yeah!
Update: You know what I really hate? At school dances when the music selecter select THEIR favourite songs and not songs that appeal to everyone. It's painful to listen to shit music for about an hour. >:(
Update: 700 posts! Yeah!
More updates when exciting stuff happens!
Posted by Thegluestickman - November 14th, 2008
Yes, you can get yourself drawn! I'm making people drawings, mostly to increase my drawing ability. There no Mona Lisa, but they do turn out pretty well. As you can see below are examples.
If you want to get drawn, you must have a picture of you, perferably a half-body/ head shot. Anybody that says "Draw me" without a picture of them will be ingnored.
If you don't want people to see you, you can send it via PM. I'll send it back that way if you do chose that method. Or you can post a link in your comment.
Hope this works out well, as they are quite fun to do.